How Long Does Calf Reduction With Botox Take, and How Will I Recover?

Calf Reduction With Botox Take, and How Will I Recover

Calf reduction with Botox is a minimally invasive treatment designed to reduce the size of your calf muscles and create a slimmer, more aesthetically appealing leg shape. The procedure involves injecting the muscle-relaxing substance botulinum toxin type A into specific points on your lower legs to temporarily weaken the muscles and cause them to shrink. Although the results of a calf reduction with Botox aren’t permanent, they can last for about six months before you need to come back for a follow-up appointment.

Calf botox treatment is usually completed in less than an hour, and you can resume your normal activities immediately afterwards. While you may experience some discomfort during the injection process, this is not typically considered painful and can be managed with an over-the-counter pain reliever. We can also apply a topical numbing cream to ensure your comfort during the treatment.

Unlike facial muscle treatments, which can be administered without the need for numbing, larger body muscles require more concentrated doses of the substance to relax them. We can administer the required amount with a series of quick, minimally invasive injections that don’t require sedation or cooling.

Botox has been used safely in countless patients for over forty years, and it is extremely safe when used at the precise concentrations necessary for calf reduction botox. The substances that make up this neuromodulator are derived from a bacteria and only occur in small quantities within the human body. They are subject to strict pharmaceutical laws and have undergone extensive testing to ensure they are safe.

How Long Does Calf Reduction With Botox Take, and How Will I Recover?

The calf muscles can also be reduced with nonsurgical techniques such as radiofrequency ablation, which uses heat energy to damage the nerves that supply the muscle. This causes the muscles to shrink and can cause excess fat to be drained naturally over time. Older ablation methods involved making a series of tiny incisions before placing a device under the skin to “burn” away undesired muscle tissue. The latest treatments are much safer, as they don’t require incisions and target the same nerves that supply the calf muscles.

For more noticeable and long-lasting results, we can also combine a calf reduction with liposuction for more targeted removal of stubborn pockets of fat from the lower legs. This option is especially effective if your thick calves are due to excess fat, rather than the muscular build of your thighs.

As double board-certified plastic surgeons, we have the training and expertise to perform a calf reduction in conjunction with liposuction or excision techniques if needed. Whether your thick calves are caused by muscle overgrowth or extra fat, we can help you achieve the beautiful-looking legs you’ve always wanted. To learn more about our calf reduction procedures, contact us today. We look forward to helping you feel and look your best!

Candidates for calf reduction should be in good overall health and have realistic expectations about the outcomes of the procedure. It’s crucial for candidates to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to discuss their goals, medical history, and any potential risks associated with the procedure. Ultimately, the ideal candidate for calf reduction is someone who is mentally and physically prepared for the surgery and is seeking improvement in the appearance or functionality of their lower legs.

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