The dangers of drinking coffee

If you drink coffee because you think you need it to revitalize or perk up every day, especially if you work in American companies, here are some things to think about in relation to this liquid drug that is the number one cause of esophageal cancer:

The first thing to think about is: why would you drink something that is so hot that if you put your finger in it, it would burn like hell? If it burns your finger, what do you think it does to the tissues and cells of your body? Hot drinks destroy (kill) your cells, that is, cancer!

Coffee is a stimulant of the central nervous system. Drinking coffee inhibits the release of natural brain opiates (which make you feel good and counteract pain). Women need all the natural brain opiates their bodies can accumulate, especially around the menstrual period and not to mention childbirth (which is very painful due to the excessive depletion of opiates in modern American women). Coffee may speed you up for a while, but it will surely slow you down too (which makes you want more, is a drug after all, at least in the state we use it today). Excessive coffee consumption causes tremors and hand tremors due to nervousness. Coffee is very foreign to the nervous system.

Coffee also kills adrenal acorns. Almost everyone in America has shot adrenal acorns!

Coffee speeds up these glands, but it also slows them down. Everything that goes up and down grabs the body.

Coffee contains stimulating caffeine. This is dead caffeine, unlike the bioactive caffeine found in green tea, black tea, yerba mat, guarana, and kola nut. Caffeine is a stimulant of the central nervous system that is followed by a phase of depression that produces exhaustion, nervousness, irritability, fatigue and, often, headache. Caffeine constricts the blood vessels in the brain and causes decreased blood flow that cuts off the oxygen supply to the brain, resulting in gradual brain damage. It also increases the heart rate by 15% and makes the lungs work 13 times longer than normal. It also plays a role in fatigue.

The volatile oil in caffeine called caffeol irritates the stomach lining and causes poor digestion.

Another chemical in this liquid drug is caffeotanical acid. This chemical is used in leather tanning. It is an astringent irritant to the cells that line the stomach and intestines and also destroys the pepsin in the gastric (stomach) juice needed to digest protein.

Coffee is a drug! Do you know why coffee is offered free in American companies? Because it makes people work and perform efficiently by speeding up the brain so that jobs can get the best productivity from their workers (slaves). People drink mostly coffee in the morning, at least 3 cups (over 400mg caffeine) at noon. But by noon, they are mentally drained and exhausted, which explains why labor productivity declines around noon in America. Then workers will get their caffeine fix by drinking soda (coke, pepsi, etc.) and / or eating chocolate, which is also why these vending machines selling sodas and chocolates are seen in American businesses.

If you want to get something out of people, just give them some caffeine. Coffee, chocolate, cigarettes, and soda contain caffeine. When investigators or the police want information from people, what do they offer people? A cup of coffee and a cigarette!

In wars, what do American soldiers give the children of the countries they fight and fight against (especially when they want information)? Chocolate bars!

Most restaurants and diners offer you a cup of coffee to start with. Why? Because coffee clears the palate (taste buds) and the sense of smell (smell), as well as making your stomach crave food, so that you will be hungry, you can smell the food and taste the substance of the food once you start to eat. eat the food. Why do you think they make you smell coffee beans in a jar at aromatherapy stores? To cleanse your smell (sense of smell) so that you can smell the various oils.

Did you know that early Arab Muslims used to give free coffee to Muslim converts and potential or prospective warriors at conferences, to join Islam and fight in so-called holy wars (jihad) for the cause of Islam?

The Arabs sealed the coffee market. When Europeans first got their hands on coffee and taste buds, they went nuts. The Europeans wanted to open a market for coffee in Europe, but the Arabs didn’t want that! Certain European traders began secretly exporting coffee out of Africa and Arabia (where the coffee originated) and importing it into Europe. Europeans did not want Arabs to know what they were doing with their drug (coffee), so once Europeans brought coffee to their country, they began to refer to it with code names, such as Java, Mocha, and cappuccino. which are all names of countries from which European traders exported coffee. Java is an island in Indonesia. Mocha is a city in Yemen, Arabia. Capuchino derives its name from the Italian city Capuchino (all Muslim Arab strongholds). The word coffee itself derives its name from kaf, the Ethiopian name for coffee.

A great alternative to coffee is Teeccino herbal coffee, made from roasted carob, barley, chicory root, figs, dates, orange peel, and almonds. It is very delicious and tastes just like coffee, if not better. You can find it (and other flavors) at most health food stores like Whole Food Market (1-800-SHOP-WFM).

Herbal teas like guarana, kola nut, and yerba mate are also great alternatives to coffee and include bioactive caffeine that is not harmful to the body.

The herbs borage, basil, licorice, ginseng, astragalus, and fo ti are excellent for restoring adrenal acorns.

Thank you for reading!

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