Simple tips for removing paper laminate

Laminated paper is the process in which the plastic film is created on top of the original document. Your plastic will heat up and then mold around your document to prevent water damage or even scratches. Most of the people usually laminate their important documents, pictures or even keepsakes. But there will be a time when you need to remove the laminate. It will be the difficult process and also rarely possible without the damage to your original document. Here is more information for you.

For the first step, you can lay your document on a mat. Then shine it brightly with a lamp shining directly onto your document so you can get a good look at the edges and seams.

For the second step, you can examine your laminated paper. After that, find the seam where a plastic laminate will meet the document and create the air pocket.

For the next step, it is important that you cut the laminate with your utility knife through the layer. You can use a ruler to properly align a knife and also keep it in a place away from your document. Then cut the plastic sheet.

After that, be sure to gently pry the lamination away from your document. You can use your utility knife if you want to create the gap between your lamination and the document as well.

For the last step, you need to pull the lamination slowly until it has been completely removed. It is also important that you add heat from the heat gun set on the low setting to soften the laminate and make it easier to remove.

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