NBA basketball betting

Do you want to know a little secret? NBA basketball betting can make you a lot of money. NBA basketball is a game that has helped turn sports betting losers into happy sports bettors with bigger funds. It’s really no secret to beat sports bettors: NBA basketball is the easiest game to make money. The game itself provides sports bettors with plenty of opportunities and the ability to win all the way. Unlike football, baseball, and hockey, NBA basketball is not limited in scoring. In those other games, you might see a handful, or fewer, score runs per game. If your side falls too far behind, it’s over no matter how much time is left. However, in NBA basketball, your team is usually in the game until the very end.

Think about it for a moment. If you were to bet a -8 point favorite on soccer and the game was tied with 6 minutes remaining and the other team had the ball, would you have a realistic chance of winning? The answer is probably no. However, let’s apply the same situation to an NBA basketball game and remove 4 minutes from the clock, so there are 2 minutes left. Would you have a realistic chance of covering all 8 points? Bet! Teams must shoot the ball within 24 seconds and each basket made is worth 2 or 3 points. You would only need 3-4 baskets to make the 8 points. Granted, the other team can score, too, but in the NBA, two minutes at the end of a game is an eternity when teams are close.

Let’s see another scenario. Imagine it’s halftime in basketball and football, it’s the fifth inning in baseball, and it’s the second period in hockey. Which of these four scenarios below has the best outcome?

1. The team you bet on in Baseball lost 6 runs.

2. The team you bet on in hockey is down by 3 goals.

3.The team you are betting on in Football has lost 21 points.

4. The team you are betting on in NBA basketball has lost 22 points.

The answer, of course, is number four. Scores are hard to come by in the first three options. While comebacks do happen sometimes, in the NBA, teams always go on streaks. Every season is full of games where a team lost 10, 15, even 20 points and won again. There are plenty of other games where the underdog was way behind and the game lost again by a few points. With the NBA, you’re almost always in the action until late in the game. Can that be said of any other sport?

Finally, let’s talk about NBA totals. You may find that betting the total points on a game (under or over) is your thing and you wouldn’t be alone. There is a theory that those who can get an idea of ​​the total bets are among the most successful sports bettors in the world. You could debate that theory, but it points to a very important idea. Total bets on NBA basketball are full of winning opportunities and sportsbooks don’t set them as well as the spread. Will this translate into more money in your pocket? That is for you to decide.

If you’re not on fire right now from some NBA basketball action, take your pulse. NBA basketball presents one of the biggest opportunities open to sports bettors. Don’t miss out on a great thing. Sports bettors and tipsters look forward to the NBA basketball season every year and now they know why.

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