How to check the quality of wooden furniture

Before buying wooden furniture, it is always advisable to check the quality of the furniture that you are about to buy. In this way, you will be able to buy the best possible furniture. Here is a guide on what to check.

wooden fountain

The type of wood used in the manufacture of the furniture would have a direct relationship with the duration of the furniture. Furniture can be made of softwood, hardwood, or re-engineered wood. Most of the furniture is usually made of hardwood from deciduous forests. These include maple, mahogany, oak, teak, cherry, hickory, and birch. Coniferous trees such as cedar, redwood, pine, and fir are softwood. Good quality furniture can also be made from these woods. However, they are more prone to dents and scratches. Modern furniture is rarely constructed entirely of wood. Plywood is widely used as it gives furniture strength and prevents it from warping or sagging. It is used to make furniture that is durable, strong and attractive when used with a high quality veneer.


The construction of a piece of furniture contributes greatly to its functionality, beauty and longevity. The solidity and joinery of a piece of furniture will tell you a lot about the quality. A good joint can also have screws and plugs, but it will never be stapled. The use of glue must not be visible outside the joint. The corner block gives the furniture stability and strength. They are not visible from the outside and are screwed to each side of the inside corners. A good quality dresser or dresser would have thin sheets of wood or dust panels between the drawers in the body of a desk or dresser. In addition to making furniture structurally stronger, they keep dust off paper and clothing.

Back panels facing the wall are usually attached with screws to ensure lateral stability. Unexposed portions should be snug and sanded smooth. This is a vital feature as only a well-constructed piece of furniture would comprise such details. Drawers will have glides that allow for effortless operation of a drawer and also help prevent the drawer from falling out. Office furniture that has sliders such as computer cabinets, file cabinets, desks, etc. they are crucial to the functionality of the part.


A quality furniture finish would involve staining, sanding, and finishing. Any carelessness in any of these stages could affect the quality of a piece of furniture. Signs of a poor finish include a rough surface, a cloudy or shiny surface that protects the wood grain, dents, scratches or specks of dust, chipped edges, dust spots indicating missing areas, or a lack of sufficient coating on surfaces. vertical and around the edges.

It is always advisable to check first-hand the furniture you intend to buy. This will make you aware of the quality of the furniture you are buying. You can also opt for vintage or antique furniture, as these pieces are likely to be sturdier than current furniture. Remember, never compromise on quality, even if your furniture costs more.

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