How to care for wooden double-glazed sash windows

Double glazed wooden sash windows are exceptionally popular in homes and businesses in all European countries. Many of these are listed properties where special regulations have been put in place to keep the property in the same condition over the years, many of these have sash windows. Of course, the current advantage is that you can opt for double glazing, adding that extra insulation when you need it most during the winter months.

To ensure they work properly for many years, you need to take extra care with your windows. This does not mean daily maintenance, but regular cleaning and maintenance is required. Many of these double glazed wooden sash windows can last a hundred years, if not more, if given regular maintenance.

Maintenance doesn’t need to be a long and daunting process. Keeping an eye on the wood for damage and taking a little time to make sure the wood is in good condition and the windows are clean is all you need to do on a regular basis. The good news is that wood decay in these windows only happens many years later and is usually localized to the joints, so it’s a quick and easy fix.

Another thing you need to be constantly on the lookout for is damage to the wires. Relying on the wires to allow you to open the window from the bottom or top, damaged wires can make it exceptionally difficult to open and allow airflow, or they may not open at all.

When cleaning wood and glass regularly, look for damage. You are looking for peeling paint, decay, and water damage. This way, you can know when you need to perform major maintenance or call a professional company to do the job for you.

It is important to treat the wood every few years. This can be done by using a high quality wood paint that will protect the wood from weather damage, this includes sun and rain. It is important that before painting you remove peels and chips from the window, you can do this with sandpaper. Remember that if you have old wooden double-glazed sash windows where you replaced the glass in the existing original frame, beware of lead-based paints that used to be used many years ago.

Once you have sanded the frames and made them smooth, you can start painting. Remember to apply a couple of coats to make sure the wood gets the protection it needs. This is an ideal summer task when the sun is out and there is a reduced risk of rain.

Another little tip is to remove the sheets from the frame when painting, this can help you achieve the best paint job that will last for a few more years. Ideally, you should paint every five years, sooner if you notice significant wear.

Your next test in caring for your double-glazed wooden sash windows is to make sure they don’t leak. Over time, your windows may begin to leak, reducing your home’s insulation, causing you to lose heat in the winter and gain heat in the summer. You can easily do this by closing the curtains and looking for movement or striking a match or lighter and slowly moving it around the edges of the window and center to see if the flame moves.

Double glazed timber sash windows have a traditional design with the modern benefits of gas filled double panes of glass. They are visually appealing and can be a welcome addition to your property when properly maintained.

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