How Podcasting Can Help You Prove Your Recession Income

You watch the evening news, just like I do.

There is confusion in our cities.

There is confusion due to COVID, lockdowns and riots.

There is confusion in the economy. Some big-name stores can’t get inventory that was recently taken for granted. Some grocery stores are unable to stock meat, fish, and other in-demand items.

Some businesses and small businesses can’t find people to work for! Some businesses have suffered to the point of shutting down or cutting back even further!

Many people are switching between losing their jobs, their homes, their stability …

This is not a unique situation. COVID may be the factor that started the problem, but it is not the end of all things.

If you’re honest, you can look back at the last 20 years and see the cycle.

In 2001, what happened? September 11, 2001 …

Seven years later, 2008, what happened? Stock market crash and recession …

Seven years later, 2015, what happened? China’s stock market crash; Euro crash, and that affected our stock market and our economy …

Seven years later, where are we? The COVID-induced financial collapse on the horizon (as we briefly described above) …

How can having a podcast help protect you from what’s going on?

Because those who are preparing now, to have some kind of online business, can begin to isolate themselves from working for others, working for themselves. This is not easy to start if you are struggling with problems and have your back against the wall.

But if you are prepared when problems arise, then you are positioned to help those who were not prepared! And a podcast will help you establish this type of positioning.

How can a podcast help you?

Speaking of any passion you have, right now. If your passion is fixing cars, babysitting or cooking, someone is going to need to get their car fixed, need to start babysitting to earn some extra money or start cooking more at home instead of spending money on eating out or buy fast food.

And if you start a podcast about whatever passion you have, you can start to establish your credibility and expertise that people will be looking for very soon! This is something you can do, preparing now, that can be a blessing for those who will need your help very soon.

But if you don’t prepare, you will be participating in problems and will not be in a position to be a blessing to others. But if you take the time to prepare now, you could cushion the impact that financial collapse will have on you and your family.

But if you don’t prepare now …

Where will you be

Podcasting is simply one way that you can share your expertise, develop your authority, and start building a following. Podcasting is simple (if done right), easy to set up (if done right), and easy to market (again, if done right).

I am preparing to share all of my knowledge that I have accumulated over the past 11-12 years to help those who are interested in protecting their family while you can. Collapse is coming. Problems are already beginning to appear on the horizon and are heading our way.

And the cycle is coming and is visible to anyone who takes the time to study it.

For more information on preparing and preparing your family for what’s ahead, go to the resource box and contact us.

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