What do people prefer: Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome?

Very famous web browsers like Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome are the most used browsers after Internet Explorer is almost obsolete. Browser users always need the best options in using the services, and also users always want new features that can make their usability much easier.

Google Chrome, the newer browser than Mozilla Firefox, has started to show its potential. Their market share based on their popularity among users has started to gain more than Mozilla Firefox based on the statistics and user reviews they are posting.

There are many web browsers that have been used in this long period of the Internet. If we go through the flashback in the history of browsers, we can see many browsers that were very popular and then became extinct for many reasons.

The first widely used web browser was NCSA Mosaic. Mosaic’s programming team then developed the first commercial web browser called Netscape Navigator, later renamed Communicator, then renamed Netscape again. The Netscape browser led in user engagement until Microsoft Internet Explorer took the lead in 1999 due to its distribution advantage.

An open source free software version of Netscape called Mozilla, which was the internal name of the old Netscape browser, was then developed and released in 2002. Since then, Mozilla has gained market share, particularly on non-Windows platforms. , largely due to its open design. source Foundation, and in 2004 it was released in the popular version of FireFox.

This information can be viewed in detail: http://www.livinginternet.com/w/wi_browse.htm. The history of web browsers is very interesting to study and understand the reasons for the evolution, extinction and innovation of web browsers on the Internet, the main reason for such changes being the demand and preferences of the browser users.

The question here is which do people prefer now, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome, despite reviews being posted through various sources. If Firefox also does not evolve from time to time like Internet Explorer, it will again be difficult for it to survive and Google Chrome will benefit from this fact.

The world is too competitive for words, so you never know when something new comes along that pushes out the older ones if they aren’t capable enough to hold their own with the strongest streaks.

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