Top 5 Exotic Pets That Make The Best Family Pets

Exotic pets can make a statement about who we are and give our visitors something to talk about for years to come. Exotic pets can range from cute and cuddly to downright dangerous and this is probably what makes them so attractive. These types of exotic animals can be a rare breed, endangered animals, or even from a faraway land. There are many different animals that are considered exotic such as; lizards, snakes, sugar gliders, fish, rare breeds of dogs and cats and many more. However, not all of them are suitable for a family.

  1. Exotic Breeds of Fish: These are great pets for younger children or families who don’t have a lot of time to spend with their pet because they are easy to care for. They can be placed in a prominent part of the house as they are fun to look at and make a great conversation starter.
  2. Sugar Gliders – These friendly little critters make great family pets for those who like to spend a lot of time with their pet. They are relatively easy to care for and make great companions (they are known to travel in their pockets)
  3. Lizards – Again, these make great family pets because they can be kept in a “tank” and are easy to care for. They are also very interesting to watch in their affairs.
  4. Cats: They are better pets for families who have time to care for them. There are many exotic breeds of cats to choose from.
  5. Dogs – Again, these are for families who can handle the responsibilities of caring for a dog. There are some very exotic dog breeds out there, but be prepared to pay more for them!

Hopefully you won’t have too much trouble choosing an exotic pet for your family. A good way to see if the family is up to the task is to care for someone else’s pet.

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