Top 10 most beautiful women in sports movies

I thought about writing about the least attractive women in sports, but I got to Barbara Hershey from Hoosiers, and I thought about the scene where she kisses Gene Hackman, I remembered what it was like to see my grandparents kiss, I gagged, and then decided to go on a totally different direction. So now I will introduce you to the top 10 most attractive women in sports movies.

10. Susan Sarandon – Durham Bull

In general, I’m not a fan of Susan Sarandon. She is pretty normal looking, at least compared to the other women on this list. But she was definitely hot at Bull Durham.

9. Elisabeth Shue – Karate Kid

I saw this movie when I was about 10 years old. I instantly fell in love with Ali (Elisabeth Shue). Then I saw her in Leaving Las Vegas about 10 years later and was blown away. But I still wonder what the hell he saw in goofy Daniel (played by 55-year-old Ralph Macchio).

8. Christine Taylor – Dodgeball

Does Dodgeball deserve to be on this list? Oh well, Christie Taylor is so cute that she deserves to be here.

7. Halle Berry – The Show

I have to say that The Program may be the most overlooked sports movie. It has great action and a decent plot and two hot women. A young Halle Berry was one of them.

6. Keirra Knightley – Doubles as Beckham

There is something about Keirra Knightley that captivates and distracts. I’m not sure what exactly happened in this movie (something with soccer and a strict religious family), but Knightley was in it.

5. Kristy Swanson – The Show

And here is the second woman of The Program. Even if you don’t like football, Swanson makes this a must-see movie.

4. Nicole Kidman – Days of Thunder

This is the first movie I saw with Kidman. He had long red hair and he was hot. She’s still hot, but she never looked as good in any other movie as she did in this one.

3. Charlize Theron – The Legend of Baggar Vance

I’m not sure how this wasn’t a better movie with Theron, Matt Damon, and Will Smith starring, but Theron looked great and that was enough to make it worth it.

2. Kelly Preston-Jerry MaGuire

Ahh, Jerry’s (played by Tom Cruise) ex-lover. She did what many of us wish we could do now: punch Cruise in the face. And am I the only one wondering why Jerry was wasting his time with Zellweger’s character instead of begging Preston’s character to come back to him? it was annoying

1. Jessica Biel – Summer Catch

I didn’t really buy Freddie Prinze Jr. playing a pitcher, but I did buy Biel in a bikini. Wow, she “fit” the role very well.

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