The 5 main signs of ovulation

Knowing when ovulation occurs is the basic first step if you really want to get pregnant. Finding and pinpointing the day of your ovulation lets you know when your fertile days are in your period. Here I describe the 5 most useful signs that you are about to ovulate or have just ovulated. In case of ether, this is useful information for your family planning.

  1. Increased basal temperature. A rise in basal body temperature occurs just after ovulation, so this sign is only useful in determining the length of the luteal phase that will be used to calculate when the next ovulation should occur. Basal body temperature is best measured in the morning before getting out of bed. Use a rectal thermometer with a good enough resolution. There are special thermometers for this purpose. Keep a chart of your basal temperature, this will allow you to easily spot the increase.
  2. Increased vaginal discharge. When ovulation is about to occur, there is usually an increase in vaginal discharge, as the mucous membranes swell and become softer and moister. In fact, the amount of discharge has been shown to be a direct indication of the possibility of conceiving.
  3. Luteizing hormone peak. This can be detected in the urine using LH ovulation test strips. This is probably the surest way to predict ovulation. The luteizing hormone surge advances ovulation by about 30 hours, so this is your window if you’re trying to conceive.
  4. Increased sexual appetite. Many women experience a surge in sexual interest around ovulation. Although it is not a sure sign, it can give you an idea that something is up.
  5. Mittelschmertz. A German-derived word that literally means pain in the middle and describes the pain often associated with ovulation. The pain can come on suddenly and last anywhere from a few hours to a couple of days. This can be a telltale sign of ovulation, as some women can even tell which ovary produced the egg!

It should be noted that cycle length by itself is not a good enough measure to determine ovulation, as the length of the luteal phase can vary by up to a week between women with the same cycle length. It is necessary to use one or more of the signs described here to get a reliable indication of when ovulation will occur.

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