How to be fun, be popular and be the life of the party

Funny people are fun to be around. Everyone enjoys your company. Learn to be funny and you will be the life of the party. At parties you will be surrounded by a circle of friends, eager to hear your funny stories and laugh at your jokes. People want to be entertained.

Make jokes and tell funny stories and you will be welcome wherever you go.

Some people find it easy to be funny. It seems to be a natural gift. In fact, it is a skill they learned as children. Children love to do fun things to be the center of attention. They learn to get attention by making funny faces, wearing funny clothes, or saying funny things.

It’s quite natural to want to be popular; be noticed, admired and accepted. Perhaps you are a quiet, modest and withdrawn person, prepared to always be in the background while others receive all the attention. But think how nice it would be to change your image.

Wouldn’t you like people to find you funny and entertaining? Wouldn’t you like to have people around you at parties, laughing at your funny stories?

Being funny is a skill. Fortunately, it’s a skill you can learn. It’s never too late to start learning how to be funny. Knowing the best way to tell funny jokes and funny stories is easier than you think. It takes a bit of effort and practice, but learning to be funny isn’t as hard as you think.

Here are some helpful tips:

(1) Be sure to remember jokes you have recently heard or read. They don’t have to be vulgar to be funny. In fact, it’s probably not a good idea to tell a dirty joke unless you’re absolutely sure that everyone listening to you enjoys this type of joke.

There are hundreds of very funny jokes on the Internet. Choose jokes that really amuse you. If you find them really funny yourself, you will find it easy to memorize them. A good way to memorize jokes is to practice saying them in front of a mirror, just like you would if you had to give a speech.

When telling a joke, remember that timing is everything. Make sure you deliver the joke at the right time. How do you do this? Practice. Before you tell the joke to even a few friends, make sure you practice it in private.

(2) In addition to remembering funny jokes you’ve recently heard, be sure to remember funny quotes and funny comments. Try to remember as many as you can and then use them at appropriate times.

Once again, the Internet is a wonderful source of extremely witty and funny quotes. Very often these funny quotes were made by famous people. By using quotation marks, at the appropriate time in a party, there is no need to pretend that the comment is something you made up yourself. If the comment is really smart and witty, it will be just as funny if you acknowledge the source.

For example, it is very easy to remember the comment that Winston Churchill made at a party when a lady sitting next to him said, very loudly and aggressively: “Sir, you are drunk!”. Churchill immediately replied, “Yes, ma’am, you’re right. But she’s ugly. I’ll be sober tomorrow.”

(3) When you tell a story, instead of making fun of another person, to show how smart you are, it’s a good idea to make fun of yourself. You don’t have to do it in a way that makes you look like a complete idiot. Rather, do it in a way that describes an embarrassing situation that has happened to you.

How to be funny is definitely a skill you can learn. There are several courses available that will show you how to be funny.

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