Get organized with these kitchen storage ideas and prepare for winter cooking

Now that winter is here, you will inevitably be spending a lot more time inside. With that, you’ll also probably be cooking more meals at home, and you won’t have the gas grill to help you whip up healthy meals quickly. The truth is, it can be difficult to cook decent meals in the winter, especially if your kitchen is disorganized. Instead of struggling through the cold months ahead with a messy space, you might consider getting organized as a means of making meal prep a snap.

The key to organizing your space is implementing some new kitchen storage ideas that you may have had on your mind for some time. At the top of most people’s list is organizing cabinets. Cabinets have a way of getting disorganized quickly, especially if you have a lot of stuff. The good news is that whether your problem areas involve your dishes or your spice cabinet, there are solutions waiting for you.

The first place to start rearranging your cabinets is to get everything out and clean the shelves. This is a good time to go through your supplies and get rid of things that are broken, missing companions, or unused. Next, put on some new shelf liners to keep things tidy, then put the dishes back on. If you find that even after purging, you’re still short on space, reach for one of the most useful kitchen storage devices: wire racks. Wire shelves can give you extra space without having to add another shelf, and they work great for plates and bowls.

If another problem area is your spice cabinet, you’ll find that there are almost as many kitchen storage tools available to solve this problem as there are spices. Choose from shelves, drawer inserts, and lazy Susans, to name just a few. Before you put everything away in your new spice rack, be sure to throw out any bottles that are expired.

After implementing a few kitchen storage ideas like these in your space, you’ll be ready when Old Man Winter knocks on your door. Who knows, your closets might stay organized until spring!

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