Break your multitasking habit and get more done

Is it a good idea to multitask? Studies on the impact of cell phone use on our ability to focus on complex tasks such as driving, operating machinery, or walking show that the brain does not multitask quite well, even if the inputs are processed in different areas of the brain.

Juggling tasks that require cognitive, creative, or problem-solving skills only compounds the negative impacts of multitasking: reduced productivity and increased stress. If your job requires mental effort, and almost all modern jobs do, then breaking the habit of multitasking is essential. Here are some ideas to help you reduce your multitasking, so you can focus more and get more done:

1. Organize your day

Organize your day into focused blocks of ninety minutes to three hours of work, no less and no more. Choose a topic for each block: business development, problem solving, administration, marketing, production, design, planning, etc. Group your tasks to execute the ones related to the topic during the allotted block of time. If other ideas come up, keep a small notebook handy to write them down (the “idea parking lot”), and then go back to what you were doing. You will find that as time goes by, you will experience fewer thought interruptions. Grouping your tasks into topics allows you to focus with maximum efficiency.

2. Minimize context switching

We call it multitasking, but it’s really a division of time: concentrating on one task for a moment, then pausing it to switch to the other task. If the tasks are very different, it takes time for your brain to switch from one task to another. Context switching time can take anywhere from one to sixty minutes, depending on how focused, creative, or analytical you need to be to accomplish the task. That is why multitasking is not efficient. By grouping similar tasks into themes and running each task in a serial order (one after the other), context switching time between tasks is minimized and productivity soars.

3. Control external interruptions

Responding to external interruptions, such as phone calls, emails, or colleagues, breaks your focus and triggers the context switch delay. Assume your context switch time is five minutes per interrupt – this time adds up quickly! Let your voicemail answer your calls. Close your office door or put up a “Do Not Disturb” sign. Discipline yourself to check and respond to email and voicemail no more than two to three times a day, outside of your busy work periods. This should be enough even for those who expect instant responses to messages. You may need to reset the expectations of your coworkers or clients by letting them know what hours you are available to answer calls, but they will appreciate your professionalism.

4. Create a space to concentrate

Space is an important element of the approach. Create a physical work area separate from your living area, so that when you go to your work area, it is a signal to your brain that you are now in work mode. Organize your work area to minimize outside distractions. I recommend using a good quality pair of noise canceling headphones, with or without the right music. Dressing for your work periods, even when you’re at home, is another powerful sign. I also have different venues for different topics: client work is done in my home office, and creative work is done at a local coffee shop (where I wear my noise canceling headphones).

As you learn to break your multitasking tendencies and maximize your focus, you’ll minimize distractions, reduce context switching time, and get more done with less stress.

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