Are low-priced digital products the answer for beginners?

Recently, I came across one big ticket sale after another. The people who promote them want to tempt you with the promise of a lot of money for a few sales.

They have the usual earnings statements to back up their claims that you’re better off looking for high-priced affiliate offers or their own high-priced products.

This makes sense, if you have the sales and marketing skills to pull it off. This is especially true if you have a large list.

However, if you are a beginning online marketer, you may have a hard time doing this. For one, beginners not only lack skills, but often have mindset and confidence issues.

Take small steps to gain experience

Therefore, it is easier for a beginning online seller to stick to lower priced items, say in the $10 – $17 price range.

Seasoned guys argue that it’s easier to make $1,000 selling 10 $100 items than it is to sell 100 $10 items to get the same $1,000 in sales.

This is true, and would be the way to go once you gain enough experience and self-confidence to make it work.

Feel the excitement of your first sale

Frankly, for the beginning online seller, it’s much more exciting to sell 10 products for $10 than it is to try to sell the $100 items and probably get no sales. They can then start using that revenue to pay for advertising to skyrocket $150 in sales in the second or third month.

These modest sales would be a tremendous confidence booster. For many people, it would probably be their first money earned online. This would be an event that they would probably never forget.

walk before you run

This is why I advise my followers to focus on learning the ropes and experimenting with low-priced products that offer a lot of value to the buyer. They’re less intimidating, and more buyers are willing to spend their money on an inexpensive product that promises to solve a specific problem they’re having.

After a while, as their sales success increases, they will find themselves naturally gravitating towards the higher priced products.

The worst result when a beginner seeks sales of higher priced products too soon is that they may get discouraged and give up. They are after the big prize, even though they know it will be difficult to achieve.

It’s like gambling. If you succeed, you win big, but if you lose, your entire online experience may come to an end.

You may not lose all your money, but you may lose confidence in yourself and give up entirely after too many failed attempts.

Be a long-term winner!

Online marketing is a long-term proposition. By taking a long-term view of your online business, you can build a strong foundation for continued growth.

Just because you decide to go slow doesn’t mean you can’t love the stars! Go slow and steady and be a winner in the long run!

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