3 tips to foster networking relationships

Networking focuses on establishing, nurturing, and developing relationships. It is a connection agent for success in business, academics and careers. To be a successful networker, it’s important to manage relationships carefully. Respect for people, protocol and ethics are also critical factors in correspondence. Understanding, valuing, and appreciating your connections can yield many rewards.

Here are some tips for building quality relationships within your networks.

Tip #1: Humanize the connection

We are increasingly moving into virtual environments and expanding our reach around the world. Increases in technologies and various forms of communication can make networking too automated. Therefore, it lacks a personal component in relationships. As you connect and grow your networks, tailor your efforts to remain genuine and authentic. Take the time to communicate with direct messages instead of general ones. Get to know your peers and highlight shared interests/passions. Use network fusion methods to recognize commonalities and similarities.

Tip #2: Invest in the Connection

Suggest times to meet and reconnect to stay on top of goals, objectives, etc. Share quality time by focusing on the needs, accomplishments, and events of the people in your networks. Be intentional about building your social capital and offer tremendous value. Offer ways to support and promote the interests of those in your networks, and vice versa. Share relevant and useful information while you’re open and available for business.

Tip #3: Update the connection

From time to time, assess the state of your relationships. Take note of the ways in which the relationship is growing or the areas in which it may be lacking. Refresh ideas, agendas, plans, and goals to stay on track on your journey. Don’t be afraid to pivot or restructure aspects of your connection when expectations change. Be flexible, considerate and patient throughout the processes.

Use these tips to cultivate and strengthen the ties within your networks. Be observant and show interest in your counterpart and vice versa. Value your connections and be diligent in developing ways to interact and advance your networks.

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